About Us

Jaya Tehnik Perkasa (Jawa Timur, Indonesia)

Our engineering Jaya Perkasa is a workshop assembler or supplier or manufacturer of various types of industrial machinery that has been experienced, our offices are on the road whitish tegal devotion 1C no. 105 excl. Sukolilo Surabaya. we are committed to supporting the growth of industry in Indonesia to assist SMEs in Indonesia is growing by providing good-quality industrial machines and the price is quite affordable. we have experienced in this field for over 7 years during which we always maintain the quality of our industrial machinery. We sell various types of industrial machinery including molding machines paving brick, ex pallet container, stone crushing machine, mixer machine bataringan, mixer machines, brick molding machine, sliding press machine K500, bataringan machine.

Our Featured Products:

Bata Printing Machine
Printing Machinery Brick one material machines can now make it easier for manufacturers to make brick, with this machine certainly in brick-making becomes faster and more rapi.Dengan brick molding machine, you do not need to use so much energy to print, and print it too can you fit the size and bentuk.Tentu using the machine more efficient and shorten the production time.

Mini Stone Crusher Machine
Sell ​​stone-breaking machine with cheap price! This stone-breaking machine can help you in your job easier so that your work can be completed quickly, well and strong technical efisien.Jaya supplier, exporter and importer of quality stone-breaking machine.
Block Paving Machine Hydraulic Press
paving machine is a machine that functions as a stirrer mix paving material before it is printed as paving blocks. This machine uses hydraulic power system or manually according to their respective needs. Manufacture of paving blocks with the machine more quickly, saving time and costs so that it can increase production.


Jalan keputih tegal bakti 1c No: 105, kec. Sukolilo Surabaya Surabaya 60111
Jawa Timur , Indonesia


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